Researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University recently studied several organic compounds to determine their ability to improve a person’s natural immune system. After careful analysis, they found that only two stand apart from the various other compounds. Both blueberries and red grapes have demonstrated an exceptional ability to significantly affect immune system function.

There are several factors that determine the number of antioxidants that a grape has. This includes its geographical origin, the type of grape, and the method in which it is processed. Purple and dark red grapes usually have a higher number of antioxidants than green or white grapes. Likewise, the amount of antioxidants, such as resveratrol that is found in wines varies, with red wine having higher levels.

Grapes offer a number of benefits when served in dealcoholized wines, juices, and other products, such as powders and grape extracts.

Science has proven that the same number of antioxidants is delivered in whole grapes and grape juice. This is in addition to the dietary fiber they provide. As a result, it is beneficial to eat whole grapes and drink grape juice.

A research study conducted at Rochester demonstrated, for the first time, that the resveratrol, found in a grape’s skin, can eradicate pancreatic cancer cells after it reaches the cell’s primary energy source, particularly the mitochondria. This disables its ability to function.

1. Grapes benefit the heart.
Flavonoids found in grape juice increase the level of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) in the body. HDL is known as the healthy cholesterol and prevents coronary artery diseases, including blockage. Additionally, it improves circulation. Finally, the nitric oxide level found in grape juice improves the body and decreases the development of clogs within the blood vessels.

2. They act as a form of protection.
The antioxidants found in grape juice protect from potential diseases, as well as enhance the immune system.

3. They have anti aging properties.
The exceptional quality of the antioxidants present in grape juice work strongly against the development of age related conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

4. They play an antiseptic role.
Red colored grape juice has preventative, antiviral, and antibacterial properties that protect against infection.

5. They work to prevent constipation.
Grape juice has been shown to cure gastric impairment, particularly constipation, because it works as an effective laxative.

6. They offer neurological benefits.
Evidence shows that drinking grape juice without sugar in the morning can cure hemicrania continua headaches, a chronic daily headache disorder.

7. They have cleansing benefits.
Grapes works to cleanse the blood and even cures blood disorders because it is able to flush out harmful toxins from the body.

8. They repair cells and prevent damage from reoccurring.
The antioxidants in grape juice work to repair any damaged cells and also thwart further damage.

9. Grapes can normalize your blood pressure.
The daily consumption of grape juice has been shown to lower blood pressure.

10. The natural phenols present in grapes prevent cancer.
Resveratrol, the natural phenol present in grape juice, stop tumors from forming in the body. Additionally, red grapes have antioxidant components present that have been scientifically proven to prevent breast cancer.

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