Autoimmune conditions or diseases have grown rapidly in recent years, with more than 50 million people in the US alone living with some type of autoimmune disease. Keep reading because, this article can get you out of the confusing doubts you have been having about your health conditions.
We have already talked iabout the signs that you may be suffering from a disease of this type, even about that you may be within that spectrum with the respective symptoms and you have not yet found out due to the deceptive ways of acting of autoimmune diseases.
One of the factors that plays a very important role in activating it is diet, among other things no less important to consider, such as a very stressful and unbalanced rhythm of life.
12 things that trigger autoimmune disease
Well, now we want to focus on the main triggers that could suddenly reignite an autoimmune response and cause devastating symptoms in the body.
From full-blown autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, Hashimoto’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, to common “autoimmune spectrum disorders” like acne, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and fibromyalgia, which could already be closer to an autoimmune disease due to its painful condition, it is important to know what are the potential triggers that can result in an inflammatory immune response in the body.
The following are some of the things that you should pay more attention to when looking at the treatment that will support your autoimmune condition. An elimination diet is the best thing you can do to reduce symptoms, removing the following things from your diet and lifestyle.
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, spelled, rye, and other grains. This protein is linked in many different studies to an increased risk of autoimmunity.
Many people and their doctors believe that they have to have celiac disease to be gluten intolerant. When their lab tests for celiac disease come back negative, they are told that avoiding gluten is not necessary.
This lack of outdated information keeps many people struggling with an autoimmune disease very sick.
There are many autoimmune patients it doesn’t have to be a piece of bread or pasta to cause harm either. Gluten cross-contaminated foods, for many people with autoimmune diseases, can be like gasoline on a fire.
Gluten-free cereals
Many people with autoimmune problems already avoid gluten, but continue to eat foods such as corn, oats, and rice. As well-intentioned as this decision may be, these grains can be just as harmful as gluten, or even more harmful.
The proteins in these grains are very similar to gluten, and they can be like a game of Russian roulette for someone suffering from an autoimmune disease. As with gluten sensitivity, symptoms do not have to be gastrointestinal in nature. An outbreak of any autoimmune symptoms can occur with exposure to pimples.
Every person is different, so it is helpful to do immunological blood tests to see what your body is reacting to.
A favorite of the health community, however, pseudo-cereals like quinoa are high in proteins called saponins that can damage the lining of the intestine, triggering an immune response in the body.
Soaking and rinsing the quinoa can reduce the damaging effect on the gut, but for many autoimmune diseases this is not enough. If you are on the autoimmune spectrum, it is recommended that you avoid it.
Stress has many far-reaching effects on your health; one of them is your immune system. Research has found chronic mental stress as a trigger for autoimmune diseases.
Many patients have indicated the appearance of their health problems during a difficult time in their life. Caring for an elderly parent, the loss of a loved one, or a divorce can be the turning point for an autoimmune response.
Our environment has been bombarded with toxins that were unknown 100 years ago. Studies have shown that toxins play a role in autoimmune cases such as autoimmune thyroiditis.
It should come as no surprise that sugar is on this list, but we’re not just talking about stereotypical junk food. There are many “healthy” junk foods that are popular in the health food community that are not good for autoimmune diseases.
Healthier terms that sound like “organic sugar” or “agave nectar” on a food label may seem more natural, but sugar is still the sugar for the immune system.
Sugar compromises the immune system causing inflammation, and if you are suffering from such a disease or are on the spectrum, it will enhance the inflammation even more by showing other symptoms very soon.
This delicious food can do a lot of harm to someone living with an autoimmune disease. The literature shows that some people who struggle with autoimmune problems can be adversely affected by chocolate.
Casein, the main protein found in milk and other dairy products, can be a trigger for out-of-control inflammation in the body.
Eliminating the milk proteins in ghee or clarified butter may be a safer alternative for some people. Some autoimmune disorders can also handle fermented dairy, such as yogurt or kefir, both from free-range cows.
A group of plants consisting of tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes, eggplants, goji berries, and some spices contain alkaloids in the skin that can cause an inflammatory response in the body.
SBI (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth)
The Bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine, or SBI, occurs when the normal bacteria grow microbioma of the large intestine where they belong in the small intestine.
This can lead to a number of localized autoimmune spectrum conditions such as SBI and acid reflux. Chronic SBI can also lead to leaky gut that can cause autoimmune problems throughout the body.
We invite you to see our article 9 signs that you have leaky gut, for more information.
Weakened microbiome
Most of your immune system resides in what is known as the microbiome. This sophisticated intestinal ecosystem is made up of billions of colonies of bacteria.
Your microbiome not only controls the immune system, but your brain, hormones, and gene expression.
Parasite, yeast, and fungal infections have been implicated in a variety of autoimmune-type conditions such as Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.
It’s also important to note that you don’t necessarily have to be experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms to be affected by these pathogens.
Leaky gut syndrome
Functional medicine considers an increased permeability of the intestinal mucosa, or a “leaky gut,” a precursor to autoimmunity.
All of the triggers mentioned above can lead to leaky gut syndrome. Because of this, a leaky gut can be seen as a causal trigger, but also as the effect that comes from an autoimmune condition.
When the gut is damaged, undigested food proteins and bacterial endotoxins can pass through the gut’s protective lining, igniting an autoimmune reaction throughout the body.
In short, finding your own personal triggers can save you from years of unnecessary suffering that millions with autoimmune conditions go through today for not knowing this simple truth, and that is all about cleansing, healing your gut, and eliminating things from your diet and lifestyle.