The lower back pain is a common problem that affects most people at some point in their lives. It can be caused by poor posture when sitting or standing, flexing awkwardly, or standing up incorrectly. Low back or lumbar pain (lower back pain) is one of the most common back pain and is not generally caused by a serious illness.

If you suffer from lower back pain, people who stay active are likely to recover more quickly. The activity could start to be anything from a walk around the house to a walk in the shops – or some exercises or stretches with formal movements.

In most cases, back pain will improve within a few weeks or months, although some people experience pain long-term or that keeps coming back.

Sometimes the pain goes away on its own or sometimes therapies or treatments such as stretching are needed to relieve lower back pain. Stretches for lower back pain can also strengthen the muscles of the stomach and legs.

These help support the spine, which in turn can help ease back pain. However, the right and wrong treatment for you will depend on the cause and severity of your lower back pain.

If you are in pain, the following are 7 stretches to relieve pain in this region. Always seek medical advice before starting any type of exercise for back pain.

7 stretches to ease lower back pain

  1. Stretch the hamstrings.
  2. Lie down with your small back against the floor.
  3. Bend your left knee 90 degrees to stabilize your hips.
  4. Slowly lift your right leg off the ground with your knee as straight as possible. Your right hip should not lift off the ground, and the movement should come only from the hip.
  5. As your foot approaches vertical, a stretch will be felt in the back of your leg.
  6. Hold your leg in this position for 30 seconds.
  7. After 30 seconds, relax your knee and repeat three times before switching to the left leg.

Knee-to-chest stretch

Don’t do the knee-to-chest exercise when it causes or increases pain in your legs or back.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Bring one knee to the chest, keeping the other leg with the foot on the ground (photo)
  3. Hold down your lower back. Hold this position for at least 15-30 seconds.
  4. Relax and lower your knee to the starting position. Do it again with the other leg.
  5. Repeat 2 to 4 times with each leg.
  6. For more stretch, put your other leg flat on the floor while pulling your knee toward your chest.

Stretching the spine

Use this movement to stretch your paravertebral muscles and strengthen your abdominal muscles.

  1. Lie on your back with your legs extended outward.
  2. Bend your right to the knee and cross over the left side of your body.
  3. Hold in a position that allows you to feel a gentle stretch through your back and buttock muscles for 20 seconds.
  4. Squeeze your core muscles and twist back to center.
  5. Repeat three times on each side.

Piriformis stretch

There are a number of ways to stretch one’s piriformis muscle. Two simple ways include:

  1. Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent.
  2. Pull the right knee up to the chest, hold the knee with the left hand and pull it towards the left shoulder and hold the stretch.
  3. Repeat for each side.
  4. Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent.
  5. Rest the ankle of the right leg on the knee of the left leg.
  6. Pull your left thigh toward your chest and hold the stretch.
  7. Repeat for each side.

Each piriformis stretch is done for 5 seconds to start, gradually increasing to hold for 30 seconds and repeated three times a day.

Stretching of hip flexors

The hip flexors are the psoas major, psoas minor, and the iliac muscles, all of which attach to the lesser trochanter of the femur.

  1. To stretch the right hip flexors, kneel on your right knee and put your left foot in front of you in such a way that the left hip and knee are around 90 degrees.
  2. Put a cushion on the floor for your knee if it is uncomfortable.
  3. Put your right hand on your right hip and push your right hip forward so that you are in front of your right knee.
  4. Keep your chest up and don’t lean forward at the hips.

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

  1. Lie on your left side and place your right hand on your right ankle while flexing your left leg slightly.
  2. Tense your glutes and pull your right ankle towards your buttocks and at the same time gently extend your leg.
  3. Don’t pull your heel all the way to your glutes because this puts too much force on the knee instead of stretching the muscles.
  4. Hold the position for the desired amount of time and then switch to the other side. For if you feel pain in the knee.

Stretch total back.

  1. Stand with your arm extended in front of a table or other sturdy object and lean forward with your knees slightly bent so that you can grasp the edge of the table with both hands. It can be also as the photo shows.
  2. Keep your arms straight and your head level with your shoulders. Hold this position for 10 seconds.
  3. Next, stand with your left hand in front of you. Bring your right arm over your head with your elbow bent, and gently bend your upper body to the left.
  4. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then switch sides and repeat.

Some slight discomfort at the beginning of the exercises should go away as the muscles become stronger. However, if the pain in the lower back or in any part of the body is worse than mild and lasts more than 15 minutes during exercise, stop exercising and see a doctor.


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