Our kidneys filter 10-150 pints of blood daily, which is essential to our survival. Since these organs are vital for detoxification, it’s critical to know how to tell if they’ve been damaged or are functioning correctly.

It is the kidneys’ job to eliminate waste and extra fluids from the body and keep our electrolyte levels in check. As a result, our blood pressure, the generation of red blood cells, and the health of our bones are all properly maintained.

The following are warning indicators of damage or malfunction:

Changes in Urination

Even if the amount of fluids we take constantly changes, looking out for these specific signs is vital, so you may be proactive in recognizing kidney damage.

Urinating Troubles

  • Pale pee or urinating greater volumes frequently.
  • Foamy urination
  • Urges to Urinate Frequently at Night
  • When You Pee, You Feel the Pressure.


Swelling or bloating of the limbs, face, and joints can result if the kidneys’ ability to remove excess fluids is compromised or destroyed.

Your mouth develops a metallic taste

A metallic taste in the mouth and a bad smell in the breath can be caused by kidney failure. Because of a lack of appetite might lead to weight reduction.


Experiencing Exhaustion and Fatigue

In healthy kidneys, EPO (erythropoietin) is produced, a hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells. If this number drops, you’ll be fatigued and suffer brain and muscle damage. Anemia might also cause this.


A kidney infection, inflammation, stone formation, or injury can cause pain just under the rib cage in the higher back region.


It is possible to have shortness of breath due to kidney damage because of a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the body. As the kidneys’ ability to clear excess fluid diminishes due to damage, excessive fluid can accumulate in the lungs, contributing to breathing problems.

Dizziness and a Loss of Concentration

The loss of red blood cells, which are necessary for the synthesis of oxygen in the brain, will lead to a decrease in cognitive performance. Diarrhea, dizziness, and memory loss are all symptoms of kidney disease.

Acne and other skin conditions

The skin will begin to show signs of toxicity as waste builds up in the body. Dry and itchy skin will occur as a result. This condition, which can be observed with kidney impairment or failure, is a sign of itching and rashes. External remedies can help, but treating the root cause, which is a psychological one, should be the primary goal of care.

Finally, our kidneys are essential for our overall health and well-being. When we eat anti-oxidant-packed foods, vitamins, and enough water, we can keep our vital organs in good working order. If you see any of these symptoms, you must get immediate medical attention from your trusted family physician.

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