When it came to getting high in our 20s and 30s, vodka and Red Bull were the go-to drinks. But are they still the best? What physical impacts did it have?

It’s been shown that combining alcohol with highly caffeinated energy drinks produces long-term effects on the brain that are comparable to those of cocaine, according to research published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE. If you’re a vodka and Redbull junkie like I was in my 20s, you might be in for some severe mental health issues. Researchers at Purdue University used teenage mice to explore the effects of combining alcohol and caffeine.

When a combination of the two drinks was administered, the mice’s locomotor activity increased as predicted. Mice’s behavior and brain chemistry changed as a result of the combination of the two drinks. The results were not the same when only one of the drinks was used.


These effects were found to be identical to those of cocaine, according to the study’s findings. In addition, this combination was proven to boost the behavioral effects of cocaine. An elevated amount of protein FosB, which implies a long-term alteration in brain chemistry in the mice utilized in this investigation, was also seen. This is usually associated with substance abuse.

As a result, moving forward, it’s recommended that you stick with one of the two. On this one, the bad outweighs the benefit. Is it worth it to have long-term cognitive problems? Take a look at the video below to learn more about this combo’s short-term impacts.

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