Due to the recent research that was conducted by the University of Michigan, we can now use ginger root to kill prostate cancer cells with zero toxicity, too.

For many centuries, ginger has been utilized to treat nausea and inflammation, but in an American Association Cancer Research show session, there was a result that was shown which states that every time ginger powder was utilized to treat cancer cells, remarkable results were obtained. Cancerous cells even attack one another when ginger powder is present.

There are numerous of individuals utilizing it while undergoing chemotherapy, while others opt to utilize it as their only solution.

A study that shows the ability that ginger has to fight ovarian cancer concludes that ginger modulates secretion and inhibits growth of angiogenic factors of ovarian cancer. According to this study, prevention and treatment of ovarian cancer with the use of ginger has potential.

The results of a particular American study, which was published in the British Journal of Nutrition, shows ginger extract (zingiber officinale) killed only prostate cancer cells. This study revealed that it can shrink prostate tumor size by up to fifty-six percent.

Even if consumed in high doses, this spice doesn’t contain any toxicity. Besides people opting to utilize it because of its effectiveness, they also use it because they are not going to have to undergo the side effects that are often linked to radiation and chemical treatments.

This year, according to the American Cancer Society, more than 20,000 of women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer, while fifteen percent of men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.  Source: naturalsociety

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