Broccoli is green vegetables and it is a true treasure trove of useful nutrients. Which are very important for the maintenance of human health. It contains large amounts of vitamins A, C, and E, minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, beta-carotene, folic acid. And many other beneficial ingredients.

Broccoli is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. It detoxifies the body. Detoxification is the process of cleansing the body from poisons (toxins), which reduce immunity and increase the likelihood of disease. Broccoli, therefore, is a great natural remedy that strengthens immunity. By strengthening the immune system in the body, it successfully fights infections and other harmful effects on the body. Broccoli prevents the occurrence of many diseases, including malignant diseases. It maintains the body in excellent psycho – physical fitness.

The broccoli protects the mucous membranes, especially the intestinal mucosa
Broccoli is excellent for protecting mucous membranes and is especially useful for protecting the intestinal mucosa. It is easily digestible and is rich in fiber, which maintains the normal function of the digestive system. And maintains the normal intestinal flora.

Broccoli maintains the health of the heart and blood vessels
Consuming broccoli maintains the health of the heart and makes the blood vessels more elastic. Thus improving the circulation of blood in the body. Therefore protecting against cardiovascular diseases, say world physicians who advise daily broccoli consuming.

Broccoli increases the production of enzymes that protect the heart from various damage.

It is known that five smaller portions of vegetables daily reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. And according to the latest research results, at least one of those meals should be with easily cooked broccoli, but the broccoli can be eaten raw and in salads, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil.

It is rich in iron, it is rich in C-vitamin and allows to eliminate the excess of retained fluid in the body, thus eliminating toxins from the body and relieving the heart. It reduces and prevents weakness because it contains iron, as well as vitamins from group B.

People who eat broccoli have a significantly lower cholesterol level, which is the main cause of atherosclerosis, and therefore for heart attack and stroke.

Broccoli maintains the health of the lungs
The ingredients in broccoli, sulforapan, can limit the damage that leads to chronic obstructive disease, US scientists have reported. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine tests have shown that the ingredient in broccoli, sulforapan, increases the activity of the NRF2 gene in the lungs, and thus protects against toxins.

Research from laboratory suggests that the reduced activity of the NRF2 gene is associated with the development of a severe emphysema, one of the conditions affecting people with chronicobstructive disease.

Former studies have shown that sulforapan has a protective role in the damage to the blood vessels that it comes from diabetes (diabetes).

Broccoli is good for the brain
Brain injuries damage these proteins, and the study found that broccoli reduce the loss of function of those proteins.

The protective properties are attributed to sulforaphane, an ingredient that is present in broccoli, but also in other vegetables from that family.


Broccoli also protects against cancer, and young broccoli (just a few days old) is still better protected because they contain 20 times more SGS (Sulforaphane glucosine), which is responsible for the fight against diseases.

Broccoli has an anticancer effect and is a natural remedy that prevents cancer
According to many clinical studies, only 100 grams of broccoli daily reduces the risk of cancer. It contains certain amounts of vitamins A, C, and E and is a significant antioxidant. Broccoli can slow down the process of cell damage, “corrosive” of free radicals, which lead to aging and the emergence of various diseases including malignant diseases. This vegetable contains almost twice as much vitamin C, for example from the orange, and strengthens the body’s defense mechanism.

SGS (Sulfurophate glucosinate) containing broccoli kills tumors, releasing enzymes in the body that destroy tumor cells and prevent its spreading, or metastasizing to distant organs and tissues.

Broccoli as a strong antioxidant is at the top of the list of vegetarian diets because it prevents apoptosis (the process of cell death) in the body. It contains ingredients called sulphuric, natural chemical substances that give a recognizable taste and can stimulate the self-destruction of cancer cells. Thus doctors consider eating broccoli as a breast cancer prevention.

Broccoli contain indoles, ingredients that accelerate metabolism of the female hormone estrogen, which is directly responsible for malignant changes in the structure of breast cells. It has been observed that in women who regularly consume broccoli, and therefore a large amount of folic acid, the chances of cervical cancer or lung cancer are smaller.

Broccoli is also useful for diabetics
Broccoli is recommended to diabetics because it contains a chromium concentrate that has the function of lowering blood sugar. The daily need of the diabetic body is 25 milligrams, and only 100 grams of broccoli has 22 milligrams of chromium. Hence daily, every diabetic should enter at least 100 grams of broccoli.

Broccoli also improves the digestive system’s functioning. As 100 grams of broccoli contains at least 3.6 milligrams of fiber, which is needed on the stomach.

Broccoli – antistress vegetables
Broccoli is the best antistress vegetable. It reduces stress, improves mood, so it is recommended to all people who are stressed. But also to athletes and children in development who need it, during that period of growth and development of the body, a stronger diet rich in vitamins, minerals and salts and other useful and necessary nutrients.

Broccoli protects eyes and strengthens vision
Broccoli also keeps the sight. Daily exposure to UV rays leads to a degeneration of the eye. Which is one of the main causes of vision loss. It has been established that broccoli can protect the eye from UV radiation with a magnitude of six.

Broccoli is also useful during pregnancy
It is especially important that broccoli is into the diet during pregnancy. When the body needs a strong diet rich in vitamins, minerals and salts. The broccoli is rich in calcium and magnesium. Which are important for the formation of bones, teeth and nails of the fetus. It is rich in iron, and the regular introduction of broccoli prevents weakness in the body. It contains iron and folic acid. Which is indispensable in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and contains a range of B-vitamins.

Tips for preparing broccoli
Broccoli should not be cooked, because its digestion and preparation can lead to loss of nutrients.

Naturally, you can eat broccoli fresh, prepared as a salad, either alone or in combination with another type of vegetable. It is best to season the broccoli salad with lemon juice and unrefined, cold pressed olive oil. Antioxidants polyphenols found in cold-dried olive oil have reduced the effect of the HER2 gene that affects the development of breast cancer, according to researchers from Spanish researchers. So it’s a great addition to the broccoli salad.


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