Granola is a highly sought after food for those who want to maintain a healthy diet. Generally composed of some types of cereals and nuts, it is a food rich in fiber and minerals.

However, it is very important to be aware of all the properties of this food, such as its nutritional value and its contraindications. We are going to delve into the subject and tell you everything you need to know about granola.

5 benefits of granola

The granola that we find in most supermarkets is made up of cereals, such as toasted oats, rice flakes, rye and wheat. In addition to cereals, there are nuts and dehydrated fruit.

The combination of these elements brings many benefits:

Improves intestinal transit

All of the elements mentioned are excellent sources of fibers. Combined, they form the perfect food for those who have some kind of problem with intestinal function.

In 100 g of granola, for example, there are about 9 g of dietary fiber. It is recommended that, of every 1,000 kcal ingested, approximately 14 g are of dietary fiber.

Helps in glycemic control

Due to the presence of manganese and the large amount of insoluble fibers (contained in whole grains), granola helps to improve the control of the amount of glucose in the blood and can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Improves the appearance of skin, nails and hair

It is already quite widespread that vitamin E provides many benefits for the skin and hair, and there are many creams that contain this substance.

However, the effect can be obtained directly from a diet rich in this vitamin, which can be found mainly in fruits such as bananas and in whole grains that make up granola.

Reduce bad cholesterol

Due to the fatty acids in the oilseeds of granola, this food helps reduce the levels of bad cholesterol, LDL.

Prevents disorders of the nervous system

Both the presence of elements rich in vitamin E and antioxidants help prevent diseases of the nervous system such as Parkinson’s, Ela and Alzheimer’s. Vitamin E also works by strengthening the immune system.

Depending on the specific composition of the granola, many other vitamins can be obtained and of course many other specific benefits. Therefore, always consult the ingredients table if you choose the industrialized version.

Granola: lose weight or get fat?


Many people believe that consuming granola causes weight loss. However, this statement needs to be better explained.

By substituting healthy foods, we are clearly providing great benefits to the functioning of our body. However, this will not necessarily reflect weight loss.

When it comes to granola, when incorporating it into your diet, you should know that it is basically made up of carbohydrates. Cereals and fructose, the natural sugar contained in nuts, are complex carbohydrates, digested more slowly in our body. However, if they are consumed in excess, they can lead to weight gain.

An important tip is to avoid industrialized granola that contain refined sugar in their composition. You can choose a granola without sugar or with a natural sweetener, such as stevia.

Another important point is the schedule of consumption of granola. There are still doubts about the theory that eating carbohydrates at night would be harmful. Therefore, consult a specialist you trust and talk better with him or her about it.

How to consume granola?

The way you consume granola will depend on your eating habits and schedules. Many people like to consume it for breakfast, because in addition to being a food that gives a lot of satiety, it is quite practical for someone who has little time to prepare this or any meal.

Granola can be found in loose flakes or bars. In the latter case, there are more artificial ingredients in the composition, so always prefer the most natural variety possible, without added sugars, preservatives and stabilizers. Know some combinations that you can make with granola when consuming it:

In cakes, cookies and breads

Many recipes include granola in their composition and it is very welcome. In these cases, in particular, since these preparations contain flour and sugar, granola is a great ally to lower the glycemic index.

With milk and yogurts

This is the most practical way to introduce granola into your diet. With milk, it is an excellent substitute for morning cereals, which generally have an absurd amount of sugar in their composition.

In salads and soups

There are salty versions of granola and neutral versions without sugar or natural sweetener. So it can also be a great ingredient for salads and soups, adding texture and crunch to the original recipe.

It doesn’t matter how you choose to consume granola: the important thing is to always be informed of what you consuming and the benefits and contraindications of that food are.

Care and contraindications

No matter how healthy any food is, there are always two sides. Granola can be harmful in some cases. Be careful if you adjust to any of them:

  • Diabetics: The last line of treatment for type I diabetes follows carbohydrate counting as the most appropriate dietary measure. Therefore, take into account the glycemic index of this food before consuming it and adapt the nutritional information to your diet.
  • Carriers of irritable bowel syndrome: in these cases, the most indicated diet is the so-called FODMAP, which extracts food that undergoes fermentation in the intestinal flora from the diet. Among these foods are various fruits and cereals, which may be contained in industrialized granola.

Granola is a great food and, like any other, it should be consumed with the benefits and possible contraindications in mind. The most advisable thing is to talk with a nutritionist who can evaluate the patient’s health together with the doctor, and choose the best feeding methods.


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