According to the latest data, colon cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related mortality in the United States. This is mostly because early-stage colon cancer is difficult to detect, and patients don’t show any symptoms until the illness has progressed to an advanced stage.
This oil takes only two days to eradicate 93% of all colorectal cancer cells.
According to the latest data, colon cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related mortality in the United States. People who have colon cancer often don’t show any symptoms until the illness has progressed to an advanced level, making it difficult to detect the disease in its early stages.
If the cancer is found early, the mortality rate from colon cancer would be greatly reduced since there are effective treatment options for this illness in its early stages. Despite this, hundreds of individuals die yearly from this illness because of a lack of early signs.
How can COCONUT OIL kill 93% of colon cancer cells in only two days?
Coconut oil has long been a staple in the diets of many people and civilizations across the globe. As of late, this component has finally begun to get the attention it so richly needs. Coconut oil is one of the world’s healthiest natural substances because of its wide range of health benefits.
Saturated fats, such as those found in coconut oil, are excellent for heart health because of their high content of heart-healthy medium-chain fatty acids. Coconut oil contains 90% saturated fatty acids, making it one of the natural world’s most significant sources of saturated fats.
According to new research, coconut has been shown to reduce the adverse effects of chemotherapy and increase the quality of life for cancer patients. Because of this, coconut oil is advised as a supplement to chemotherapy treatments.
Coconut oil’s lauric acid has been demonstrated to have anti-cancer effects by research published in Cancer Research. Using a colon cancer cell line, researchers at the University of Adelaide discovered that Lauric acid eliminated over 90% of colon cancer cells after only two days of therapy. Several additional research have corroborated these results as well.
In addition to being found in mother’s milk, the immune-boosting fatty acid, lauric acid, also possesses potent anti-bacterial properties.
This research used rats for both in vitro and in vivo tests. Both tests have yielded the same results. Aside from cancer-killing properties, lauric acid also causes oxidative stress. Glutathione, which cancer cells rely on for survival, is significantly reduced by this treatment.
Sponsors are put off by the cost of conducting these kinds of research, which is why they are less likely to fund them. Because natural remedies cannot be trademarked, this is another reason why they are less popular. Despite the fact that these trials are aimed at improving the health of the general population, pharmaceutical firms have no desire to fund them.