Have you ever encountered anything called a dragon fruit? It undoubtedly seems to be something peculiar and one-of-a-kind, but is it? It is! This fruit appears plucked right out of a cartoon, and if I had to compare it to anything, I would say that it more closely resembles a dragon egg than a dragon fruit.

This fruit is native to both Central and Southern America and has a rather distinctive taste. Nevertheless, it has also spread to the nations of Southeast Asia. Other names for the fruit known as the Dragon Fruit are:

  • Red Pitahaya
  • Conderella Plant
  • Pitaya
  • Cereus narcotica “Night Blooming”
  • Strawberries and pears

It is well known that this unusual and intriguing fruit is thought to offer some pretty astounding advantages for one’s health.


Some examples of these advantages are as follows:

  • Avoiding the loss of one’s memories
  • The prevention of cancer
  • The capacity to keep a person with diabetes under control of the glucose levels in their blood
  • Contribute to the healing of wounds
  • Foster good cardiovascular health.
  • Purge one’s digestive tract of harmful bacteria.
  • Slow the appearance of aging
  • Reduce and eradicate acne
  • Cool and relieve burnt skin.

Compared to Cheerios in terms of the quantity of cholesterol that may be found in dragon fruit, dragon fruit comes out on top. This is wonderful since it assists your body in more swiftly breaking down whatever it is that it is tackling. It is one of the best fruits for lowering levels of bad cholesterol while simultaneously raising good cholesterol levels. Consuming dragon fruit provides you with a great supply of monounsaturated fats, which are great for your heart and the rest of your body, and maybe really beneficial.

Now that you’ve had a good look at this fruit, you may be wondering how to best cook it and how you should eat it. The videos below are a collection of recipes that may be used to cook and enjoy this excellent fruit.

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