Losing and gaining your weight frequently can affect the quality of your bones, and you may be more likely to develop brittle bones or a greater degree of osteoporosis, which can facilitate bone fracture in general.

According to figures, skeletal injuries rank second in surgical medical care; including osteoporotic and osteopenic fractures. Some research published makes detailed mention that people who lose and gain weight repeatedly are more prone to fractures.

How Weight Affects Bone Quality?

According to the researchers, people who have gained between 10% and 18% of weight are prone to fractures and to suffer from osteoporosis or brittle bones, or osteopenia, which is the initial condition of osteoporosis; much like a person who has intentionally lost weight.

It is conclusive then that variations (sudden or not) in weight can affect the quality of your bones, especially in ages over 40 years, and even if you were younger. One condition that predisposes to fractures is osteopenia, which is an early phase of osteoporosis, where the bones begin to become brittle or less dense.

The overweight

A few years ago it was thought that overweight or overweight people had more protection and fatty tissue around their bones, and that is why it was believed that this condition favored the protection of bones and joints. Today, quite the contrary, research reveals that overweight conditions rather favor the occurrence of fractures in a high percentage; taking into account that if the person were not so heavy, they possibly would not have fractured.

This means that the greater body weight implies greater pressure on bones and joints, deteriorating their quality and making them more prone to breakage.

Weight loss

The loss of weight, whether voluntarily or not, if not achieved through a balanced, healthy diet, you can generate many shortcomings; especially calcium in the bones. The suppression of some nutrients from the diet, which many times occurs without knowing it, decreases the quality of our bones, making them brittle and brittle, since these nutrients were supposed to strengthen the skeletal system.

This condition also makes us prone to fractures due to lack of calcium that nourishes and hardens the bones. That is why it is recommended that when making a diet, it is balanced and without deficiencies of any kind. It does not hurt that you include foods rich in calcium, and that contain this element that strengthens the bones. You can see here how to get calcium beyond milk.


It is a condition in which the thyroid gland has low iodine uptake; it can be of primary or secondary type according to the place where it originates. Hypothyroidism reduces the quality of bones, making them prone to fractures or breaks. That is why doctors, when diagnosing hypothyroidism, indicate calcium as a food supplement, or diets rich in both calcium and iodine. The increase in iodine seeks to achieve better assimilation and calcium as a supplement in the diet.

Factors associated with bone quality

According to research there are other factors that influence bone quality, in addition to losing and gaining weight. Such factors are poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, age, smoking, and a poor and unhealthy diet. Taking care of our body with a healthy and healthy diet is often enough to maintain a good quality in our bones, and that they are less brittle and prone to fractures.

Foods to improve the quality of Bones

There are foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, as well as fish oils from the Omega 3 range, without the need for drugs or commercial medications. The vitamin D and other components based on fish oils provide nutrients that help people of all ages to prevent fractures, and improve osteoporosis and osteopenia, which are very common especially in women; These foods or supplements fortify brittle bones and offer you an alternative that you can include in your daily diet, without the need to take food supports from the market. We offer you a list of foods that you can include in your diet:

3 major food groups that improve bone quality

These foods can help you avoid both weight gain and loss, as well as avoid the effect on the bones that this can cause.

Include vitamins A and D

Vitamin D works in the body, fixing other basic nutrients in the bones to strengthen them. Eggs normally provide this vitamin. Vitamin A not only fortifies bones in growth stages, but is also recommended in older people to strengthen bones and prevent fractures. You can also get it in homemade yogurt and fish.


Sardines and salmon, in addition to other fish, are main sources of omega 3, vitamins and calcium, a component in addition to being useful for cardiovascular functions, it is useful for hardening and strengthening bones. It especially reduces the risk of arthritis and at the same time makes your bones harder. Sardines and salmon contain at least 382 mg of calcium per 100 gr.


Green vegetables are rich in vitamins, including vitamin K, as well as protein and especially calcium. Broccoli, cabbages, and cauliflowers are foods that you can include in your diet, because they have bone-strengthening properties.

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