Herbs have a positive effect for the treatment of varicose veins since they stimulate blood circulation and improve health considerably, you can see the alternative uses of medicinal herbs.

Rue is a plant used since time immemorial in medicine to treat varicose veins and is considered a protective herb. It is a hardy evergreen shrub that has been named in literature as the herb of memory, shelter, and healing.

It has an unpleasant smell and taste, bitter, and can become toxic, especially if taken in large doses, however, taking rue with knowledge, it is an herb that can bring great benefits, including that it improves blood circulation and others are listed below.

Benefits of rue for blood circulation

Rue can be used in tincture, in tea, and sometimes in capsules, for medicinal and culinary purposes, as well as to ward off pests. It is also used for stomach problems such as poor appetite, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

Rue improves blood circulation and heart function, preventing palpitations and arteriosclerosis. In other cases, it is used for pain and cough caused by inflammation around the lungs.

Treatment with rue for varicose veins

The male rue tea is very effective for the treatment of varicose veins. Prepare a tisane at the rate of two teaspoons of dried and chopped herb for each cup of boiling water. Let stand ten minutes, strain and serve. It is taken in two cups a day, for several weeks.

At the same time, she takes nettle and witch hazel baths and rubs her legs with the liquid from the cooking of both herbs. The massages are applied in a sitting position with the legs raised, for example, inside the bathtub with the heels resting on a wall, starting from the heels to the hips and placing more emphasis on the areas with cellulite. Consultation with a specialist is advised before use.

Other uses of rue

Hemorrhoids, amenorrhea, arthritis, helminthiasis, gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcers, gastrointestinal spasms. In external use it is indicated in osteoarticular inflammations, eczema and psoriasis and, as a result, it is ideal for the treatment of varicose veins.


Unless expressly indicated, it is recommended to refrain from prescribing essential oils internally during pregnancy, breastfeeding, to children under six years of age or to patients with gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s syndrome, liver disease, and epilepsy, Parkinson’s or other neurological diseases.


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