No one wants to deal with warts, dark spots, clogged pores, moles, and skin tags. They are uncomfortable and can make you feel embarrassed. Here are some natural remedies to help.

There are over 3,000 different skin issues one can experience, among which warts, age spots, blackheads, moles, and skin tags are the most prevalent.

It is important to pay attention to your skin and look for any potential changes in color, texture, and smell. Moreover, note that even though medicinal products are said to provide amazing results, they are an aggressive form of treatment which acts harshly on the skin.

Needless to say, the best way to avoid exposure to chemicals is to use natural recipes which are as effective as pharmaceuticals but much safer to use.

Check out the following home remedies, which are both effective and affordable:


There are a number of natural remedies for warts. There is rubbing banana peels on the wart every night for about two weeks. Coating the wart in honey and wrapping it up. Apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball applied nightly until the wart is no longer an issue. Rubbing garlic on the wart and wrapping the areas twice a day for two weeks.

Dark Spots


Dark spots have met their match with these natural remedies. Apply lemon juice to it twice a day. Use aloe vera on the spot, and leave it for about a half hour. Apply onion juice to the area for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off. Horseradish and apple cider vinegar is the perfect solution. Mix them and apply to your dark spot once a day. Vitamin C serum is another great way to reduce dark spots.

Clogged Pores

Clear up your clogged pores with a homemade sugar scrub made from lemon juice and sugar into a paste that you’ll rinse off. You can also use steam to clear up your skin. Put your face over steaming water, cover with a towel, and let the steam work for about 15 minutes. Wash your face, and apply some vinegar to get rid of any additional dirt.

Moles and Skin Tags

Moles, skin tags, and apple cider vinegar don’t mix. Soak your cotton ball in this and apply to the area for about eight hours. You can use a bandage to keep the cotton ball where you want it. Applying garlic is another good method. Apply it to the mole, and repeat it until the mole is gone. Tea tree oil is another effective removal effort. You’ll want to do this about two to three time a day for about a month to remove your skin tag.

Skin Tags
Skin tags usually appear on the eyelids, neck, upper chest, and underarms. They are usually caused by skin rubbing and the most common treatment includes freezing, tying off, or cutting off. Consider other alternatives:

Apple Cider Vinegar: Soak a cotton ball in ACV and squeeze to remove excess liquid. Apply onto the affected area and let it work for a while.

Castor Oil and Baking Soda: Mix both ingredients to create a paste which should be applied directly on the skin tag. Bandage the area and repeat the procedure 2-3 times daily.

Tea Tree Oil: Soak a cotton ball in water and then add a few drops of tea tree oil onto it. Press onto the affected are and secure with a bandage. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times on a daily basis over the course of a month.


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