It is known that almost everyone is looking for some easy and healthy diet or treatment to lose weight. The thought often arises that it would be good to try some new diet or universal tablets, or omnipotent cream. After all, by nature, we are truly lazy, we want to achieve everything in the easiest way possible.

We don’t want to sweat in the gym, but we enviously watch our friend eat a cake and we can’t. It is much more desirable to drink a miracle pill, use the magic weight loss lotion, and not have to leave the couch for any reason. However, these methods lead to the opposite result: we are growing weaker and weaker, and the arrow of our humor is flying rapidly downward.

What do psychologists advise to lose weight?

In this case, we must listen to the recommendations of psychologists who say that our subconscious plays an important role in the matter of losing weight or losing weight. You cannot say a phrase or sentence that has the word “no.” For example, “the cake is not tasty”, “a piece of cake does not hurt” and so on. The subconscious omits this unnecessary “no” and turns everything upside down. The only way out is to ask yourself with a positive attitude and believe that everything will work out. Say that you are beautiful, that you like to do sports and eat useful foods for a good figure.


Create your own virtual image, where you are beautiful, happy, and you cannot prevent all men from going crazy for you. Remember these feelings and, when you want to try the “forbidden” food, imagine yourself in the future. Point your subconscious mind to a clear goal, drawing the future in the smallest details. Then this image will become your friend and assistant so that you can get that beautiful and amazing image.

Is it time for work or is it better to go eat?

Who can give the correct answer to this question? It turns out that our body is so smart that it has known the answer for a long time, even before working. Our body is organized to be able to carry out different types of activities throughout the day, choosing the best moment. And since the body is the home we live in, it is better for us to study its habits.

  • From 6 am to 7 am. It is the moment when our brain is as rested as possible and more willing to learn new things. It is the ideal time to learn poetry, a foreign language, prepare for exams. It is the best time to feed our knowledge.
  • So from 8 am to 9 am, logical thinking awakens and we are able to analyze in better detail. It is the moment when the criteria is our best weapon to face the day and come out winners.
  • From 9 am to 10 am. It is the ideal time to work with information and statistics. We can have more order in the things we do and this gives us the advantage of organizing ourselves to keep moving forward.
  • From 11 am to 12 noon. Our intellect diminishes. So it’s time to do something calmer and more enjoyable: have a cup of tea and coffee, sit down to check the news.
  • 12:00 to 14:00. Lunch time. The ideal is to have lunch with family or friends, so the food will be assimilated by the body in the best way and will bring you the maximum benefit.
  • If you don’t want your brain to work for burnout, for active work until 6:00 p.m. In case you do not follow this rule, you will have to pay with sleep problems, especially you will have difficulty falling asleep.
  • From 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm, give your congested brain and nerves maximum rest. Put everything aside for tomorrow. Communicate with the family, pet your pets, read a favorite play.
  • From 11:00 pm to 1:00 am during sleep, the body actively restores energy, nerves, and subtle muscle strength. Emotional energy recharges from 1 am to 3 am.

Use your body’s natural rhythms and your personal effectiveness will increase, and your body will serve you faithfully for years to come.


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