Day after day Haley came home crying to her parents because her classmates would tease her. The heartbroken girl had no friends and was constantly criticized and poked fun of for the clothes she wore. So when another fellow classmate named Mariah wanted to be friends Haley jumped with joy at the thought of no longer being an outcast. But Haley had no idea what Mariah was secretly planning to do making headlines when word got out.

Middle school is supposed to be the best period in the life of a child. It’s the time when kids make new friends who are luckily for life, and have fun hanging around with classmates. Well, at least some of them get to experience these things, as some go through real ordeal while at school because of the mean bullies. It’s a sad fact that bullying is present in many educational institutions and the staff are either not aware of it, or have no means of coping with it.

Haley Olsen is a seventh grader who comes from a pretty huge family. She has six siblings and her parents have a hard time making ends meet. This means neither Haley nor her brothers and sisters can afford to be bought fancy or expensive clothes so they usually wear hand-me-downs. Unfortunately, this is enough reason for her mean peers to make fun of her and make her school days a living hell.

Before you go to this lovely girl’s story let us tell you there came someone in her life who changed all this and brought a smile to Haley’s face.

Many times, Haley would come home with tears in her eyes, telling her parents she was done going to school. She told Fox 10 Phoenix:

“I always came home crying and stuff to my parents saying how I didn’t want to go to school anymore, I wanted to be homeschooled.”

Then, out of the blue, an angel disguised in the form of a sweet teen decided Haley had enough and stepped in for her. Mariah Andrew goes to the same school as Haley, Atkinson Middle School in Phoenix, Arizona, and she could witness how the poor girl felt whenever her schoolmates bullied her. What Mariah did for her new friend is truly amazing. She turned Haley from a victim into a queen.


Maria had a huge surprise for Haley. One day, she went home and choose her best clothes and shoes and gave them to her friend. After seeing all those cool stuff, Haley was over the moon and couldn’t contain her excitement. The grateful teen said:

“I was jumping all over the place screaming how happy I was.”

This story of the new friends who made a huge impact on each other’s life was soon spread among the rest of the students which resulted in many others reaching out to Haley too. Sonoran Smile Orthodontics offered their services for free.

Haley and Mariah are now closest friends and each other’s support. Having one another in their life they know they always have someone to rely on. Doing such a kind deed for her friend made Mariah proud of herself.

“It made me feel happy at first and the day that I gave it to her, I was trying so hard not to cry.”

Now, not only do students treat Haley with respect, but they became aware of how their behavior affected the girl’s life. Mariah inspired many to become better people by encouraging them to always step in for someone in need of help and support.

This is what true friendship is all about. Take a look at the full story in the video below.

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