The 1960s left a big impact on pop culture — big bellbottoms, big music, big hair. In fact, I still rock the same ‘do I did back in the in 1967. It’s as big and bold as Pam Greer’s personality and as beautiful as Brigitte Bardot’s busiest beehive.

But you know what was even bigger than hair back in the 1960s? Big dance crazes! There was the Twist, the Mashed Potato, the Watusi, and giiiiiirl, I could do a mean Pony. Ye-haw!

Yet, there’s one dance craze I don’t remember, and that was the Nitty Gritty. But boy do I wish I did! Do you?

It looks like a lot of fun! Just check out the gentleman in the front left of the video below — he’s really feeling the music! I mean, I suppose we can say, he’s getting down to the nitty gritty — all in front of Judy Garland on The Judy Garland Show. Oh gentleman dancer on the left, I think I’ll miss you most of all…after this video is over!


So, I suppose I’ll watch it again, and again, and again, because I can never get enough of my ’60s. Boy, was it a great time!

Watch the video below and relive the glory of this iconic era like I did. Oh, and let me know what you think of Judy Garland in the comments below! Confused, a little tipsy, glamorous as ever?

Please SHARE this fun video with everyone you know because it’s sure to put a smile on anyone’s face!

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