In especially for specific and persistent issues, the skin can mirror the current status of your health. Some skin conditions, particularly those of the face, are brought on by improper eating and lifestyle choices.

Doctor Nigma Taib is the subject of this infographic, which describes four different sorts of people and the effects they may experience based on what they eat and which goods are improper for their bodies.

  1. Wine

Clearly visible lines seen between eyebrows, increased pores, parched skin, crimson cheeks, and noticeable lines under your nose are signs of alcohol intolerance or excessive use.

  1. Gluten

Pigmentation of the chin, Acne, and puffy, red cheeks are common indications of gluten intolerance. According to statistics, 15% of people have gluten sensitivity, making it the most prevalent cause of facial puffiness and inflammatory reactions in the body.

  1. Milk

Swollen eyelids or the whole area beneath the eyes are typical symptoms, as well as under-eye circles that are clearly visible. The region under the chin frequently develops pimples. Your tolerance to lactose or perhaps the hormones present in dairy products is indicated by this.

  1. Sugar

Sugar sensitivity is most frequently seen in those with wrinkles and on the forehead. Also, puffiness beneath the eyes, and dry skin can also appear. Sugar has molecules that link to skin collagen, causing the skin to become less elastic.

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