Parents are always worried about their kids, you just can’t help it. Kids are parents number one priority, as it should be; Sadly parents have a new disease to worry about.
There are many diseases of the modern age that threaten the well-being of our children. It’s really terrifying. Autism, leukemia, cancer, diabetes and more. There are literally thousands of them, and drugs and vaccines are only making matters worse. Corporate CEOs get rich at the expense of your children’s health. Unfortunately, a new disease, or rather an old one, has returned and parents are striving to protect their children. What is that? scarlet fever;
What is scarlet fever?
Scarlet fever is also known as scarlet fever. It is an infection that can develop in children with strep throat. It is mostly recognized by the bright red rash it causes. The rash covers the child all over the body, and is also accompanied by a high temperature and sore throat. It mainly affects children between the ages of 5 and 15 years. Antibiotics have reduced the severity of the disease, but it is still spreading. It is derived from the same bacteria that cause strep throat.
Scarlet fever symptoms to watch out for:
- Streaks or red lines around the knees, elbows, armpits
- Flushed face
- White tongue or strawberry tongue with red dots on its surface
- Red sore throat with yellow and white patches
- A fever of over 3°C (101°F)
- Lips with a pale skin
- The back of the neck develops swollen glands
- Vomiting and nausea
- Swollen tonsils
- Headaches
- Chills
Though scarlet fever was very common as normal cold, its cases slowly disappeared. Strangely, it is back again. This condition is caused by a group A bacteria known as Streptococcus. This type of bacteria is capable of surviving in one nasal passages and mouth. When attacked by this microorganism, your body develops a bright red rash.
Parents have a reason to be worried because of this disease since their kids are vulnerable.
Scarlatina is another name used to refer to scarlet fever. Usually, it affects kids that have strep throat. Most of the affected kids are usually between the ages of 5-15 years.