If you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t heard of the many advantages of coconut oil, here’s one you may not have heard about.

According to research, coconut oil may be used to treat underactive thyroid symptoms. Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by an underactive thyroid gland. There are times when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones, resulting in a decrease in metabolism and other bodily processes.

Among the symptoms are:

  • Hands and feet are numb.
  • The body temperature lowers
  • Cold sensitivity
  • Insomnia
  • The skin becomes dry
  • Puffiness in the eyes
  • Hair loss
  • Nails that are brittle and easily broken
  • Aches and pains in the joints
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Mental dullness
  • Infections are common.
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Libido loss
  • Weight gain

An estimated 65 percent of Americans are overweight, with 27 percent classified as clinically obese. Thyroid hypoactivity is more common in women, according to research.

Hypothyroidism and Coconut Oil

So, where does the coconut oil originate from, exactly? Thyroid disorders benefit from coconut oil’s unique medium-chain fatty acids. The medium chain triglyceride lauric acid is an important anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compound in coconut oil. In addition to its antibacterial and antiviral activities, capric acid provides other health advantages.

Hypothyroidism: How Coconut Oil controls it

The usage of extra virgin coconut oil for hypothyroid-related issues is recommended. Each day, around a tbsp, may be ingested. Adding it to smoothies and salads is also beneficial.


If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms due to an under-active thyroid, coconut oil may assist.

Weight reduction

Coconut oil’s medium-chain fatty acids have been shown to aid weight reduction and fat burning as a source of energy. By controlling hunger and improving digestion, coconut oil may help you eat less and lose weight at a healthy pace of one to two pounds per week at a reasonable calorie intake.


Coconut oil’s beneficial fats help the thyroid and adrenal glands, which may reduce cortisol to regulate hormone levels naturally.

Enhances Metabolic Rate

An underactive thyroid may cause constant exhaustion. With the aid of the medium-chain lipids in coconut oil, fat may be converted into energy, boosting the metabolic rate. To get the benefits of coconut oil’s lauric acid and monolaurin, ingesting it is necessary.

Hair Loss Prevention

Hair follicles are one of the numerous organs in the body that may be affected by a thyroid problem. Coconut oil’s lauric acid could provide hair with the required proteins to remain strong and healthy.

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