There is no shortcut when it comes to losing weight -a change is mandatory in your daily life. You may decide to incorporate an exercising routine or change your eating habits. It is also worth noting that what can work for you may not work for another person. Persistence is the key to success – don’t go out there and find a crash diet which will help you lose a few pounds then within a short time add more weight when you resume eating normally.

John Clark knew he had to lose weight and developed a unique way of achieving that. As opposed to avoiding the foods he loved most, he started to count calories. He identified his calorie goals and could prepare his meals in portions and normally ahead of time. It didn’t take long for his system to work and within no time he has been joined by his girlfriend.

What he does is known as meal prepping. Most people think the technique is all about taking healthy foods such as salads and other boring stuff and placing them on several containers and dumping them in the refrigerator. What he does is never boring. Clark can even prep sandwiches for breakfast, pasta, skewers, and hamburgers. He never skips any delicacy that he loves.

Take some time to watch the video below and discover how Clark does his thing and why the method is one to incorporate for a long-term. His instagram tag is @themealprepking. You can follow him for more information about his recipes and eating habits.

While on his page, you will meet people who have followed his meal prepping technique and the results they have got in return. You will be surprised by most for the transformations.

If you would like to learn more about Clark and learn some of his recipes, you can follow him on Instagram @themealprepking. He shares photos and videos of his food including recipes of foods he really eats. For example, check out this recipe for chicken fajitas.


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Une publication partagée par John Clark (@themealprepking)

Plus, Clark shares before and after pictures of some of his followers who have started meal prepping because of him. The transformations are really incredible. For example, look at his woman’s transformation that happened in less than a year!


Voir cette publication sur Instagram


Une publication partagée par John Clark (@themealprepking)

Have you ever tried meal prepping? Do you think Clark’s extreme meal prepping could work for you?

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