Improper body posture can lead to inflammation and pain in the knees, joints and the legs and it can also cause other more serious complications. It is very important to start treating the problem early because waiting too long only prolongs the healing time.

One of the ways you can restore the proper function of your knees and joints is to use the following recipe. It is completely natural remedy which can also improve bone structure and consistency.



  • 4 tablespoons of sesame seed
  • 8 teaspoons of flaxseed
  • 40 grams of pumpkin seeds
  • 3 tablespoons of raisins
  • 200 grams of honey
  • 2 tablespoons (around 40 grams) of unflavored gelatin



Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well until you get a homogenous mixture. Then put the mixture in a glass jar.



This remedy should be consumed daily. Take 1 teaspoon of it before breakfast and lunch. This will help you boost the tendon and ligament elasticity, your bones and joints will be stronger, your metabolism will work even better and your knees and joints will be as healthy as they should be.

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