Many of the women have suffered with at least one symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) a week or two, before their periods. For 20% of women, these PMS symptoms are moderate to severe, and for another 5% the symptoms are severe enough to be diagnosed as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). No matter how severe your symptoms are, if you are trying to deal with imbalanced hormones and PMS, you should know that there are many treatment options available that can help.

Tips to calm unbalanced hormones and PMS

The choices one makes to treat imbalanced hormones and PMS should depend on the severity of the symptoms, your goals, and lifestyle. For example, while oral contraceptives are a good option for many people who want to end certain symptoms, people who want to get pregnant may want to investigate another treatment.

When seeking treatment, it’s a good idea to keep track of your symptoms so that you and your doctor can work together to develop the best plan of action.

Produces Melatonin

If you have trouble sleeping, which is a common problem, exposure to bright light during the day can regulate the body’s melatonin levels. Melatonin is a naturally produced substance necessary for a good night’s sleep.

Nutritional supplements

Nutritional therapists argue that a nutritional deficiency, or too much or too little of certain foods, can also trigger PMS in susceptible people. For many people, proper nutritional supplements and dietary restrictions effectively eliminate the monthly onslaught of symptoms.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), is one of the most commonly prescribed supplements for unbalanced hormones and therefore PMS. Clinical research has shown that the overwhelming majority of people who take vitamin B6 supplements regularly significantly reduce their symptoms, including:

  • Tender breasts.
  • Humor changes.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Breakouts.

This vitamin is thought to perform several functions that relieve symptoms of hormonal imbalance, such as helping to produce serotonin (a mood that regulates chemistry in the brain) and blocking the production of the hormone prolactin (which is linked to breast tenderness). Also, people with PMS symptoms may be deficient in vitamin B6. In supplements or food, or together, seek this supplementation with advice.


People with PMS can also have a magnesium deficiency. Supplementation with this mineral has been shown to alleviate symptoms of water retention and nervousness, among others. Other helpful supplements include:

  • Calcium.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin D.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Chrome.

Green leafy vegetables

In general, a diet rich in vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables), fruits, whole grains (with a lot of buckwheat, millet, and barley but not a lot of wheat), and beans, is less likely to encourage symptoms of hormonal imbalances including premenstrual syndrome, for most women.


Drinking at least eight glasses of water per day can reduce water retention and thereby reduce discomfort from bloating.

Discipline when eating

Meals should be small, frequent, and spaced throughout the day to keep blood sugar levels under control. The following are some other specific suggestions:

  1. Avoid sodium (salt) and alcohol, which deplete vitamins and minerals that keep unbalanced hormones at bay and also activate water retention. Instead, eat asparagus and watermelon; can stimulate urination.
  2. It removes sugars, which can also lead to water retention, block the absorption of necessary vitamins and minerals, and contribute to hypoglycemia.
  3. Limit dairy products, which inhibit magnesium absorption and contain arachidonic acids that can cause certain PMS symptoms.
  4. Reduce saturated fats, which can promote cramps, among other symptoms.
  5. A naturopathic doctor can prescribe supplementation treatment, such as taking magnesium and vitamin B6. Make sure to consult a doctor before taking B6, as high doses can cause nerve damage.

Note – No lab test can confirm if you have PMS. The best way to tell is to keep a diary for three months, noting when symptoms occur and the start and end dates of menstruation.


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