Almost every third woman has problems with hormones and the thyroid gland. That is why today we will unveil a simple trick that you can maintain your hormonal balance without medication and feel good.

One of the symptoms of thyroid disease is nervousness, irritability and depression. Therefore, using eggs is one of the easiest ways to improve thyroid health.

The importance of this body can not be underestimated: the gland is responsible for the state of the nervous system and the psyche, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive and musculoskeletal systems. If the thyroid gland does not work properly, serious health problems start. Most often women suffer from this after 40 years.

The two major thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), are composed of tyrosine and iodine. T3 is a biologically active hormone, whereas T4 remains inactive until converted into T3.

The thyroid gland produces another hormone, calcitonin, which maintains normal levels of calcium, activates mineral metabolism, preserves the integrity of bone tissue, and accelerates their regeneration. If the concentration of this hormone in the blood is higher than the acceptable value, this indicates oncology of the thyroid gland, lung, prostate, breast, anemia and hyperplasia.

The early symptoms of thyroid disease are almost inconspicuous, so the diagnosis of the first stage is impossible. That’s why it’s important to take care of thyroid health in advance by choosing the optimal diet for you.

The benefits of egg yolk for the thyroid gland

Like any other organ in our body, the thyroid gland depends on the regular supply of nutrients it needs to function properly. Egg yolk is a good source of the three most important nutrients for the thyroid gland.

This is an amino acid that is digested by protein foods and is produced in the body by another amino acid, phenylalanine. Tyrosine – a formula for good mood, removes anxiety and fear, helps to fight stress. No wonder why all doctors and nutritionists are big fans of eggs. Two eggs contain 0.5 g of tyrosine and 0.7 g of phenylalanine (at a daily dose of 1-5 g).

According to the World Health Organization, iodine deficiency remains one of the main causes of brain development disorder in children. Each of us must get enough iodine throughout our lives so the thyroid gland produces hormones. An egg yolk will provide the body with 12μg of iodine, which is 8% with a daily requirement of 150μg.

About 90% of the hormones secreted by the thyroid gland consists of T4, which converts to the active hormone T3. This is due to selenium-dependent enzymes. In this case, selenium may activate the hormone in T3 and inactivate it back to T4. This is why selenium is so important for the regulation of thyroid hormones. An egg will provide your body with 16 mcg of selenium, which is 29% of the recommended daily dose.

As you know, stress makes the thyroid gland much more difficult. Egg treatment is an unusual but effective way to overcome illness.

Also consider that this organ is in a complex relationship with other glands and biochemical processes. An imbalance in every part of the system can affect the whole system. Treatment should therefore be adapted to a specific cause.

If the thyroid gland does not work properly, taking the iodine or other thyroid nutrients may not help or even exacerbate the problem. Talk to an endocrinologist to get the right diagnosis before starting with any food or supplements.

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