Bananas are not only delicious, they also have a lot of different nutrients that our bodies need. Bananas are well known for their high potassium content, but they also have lots of calcium, iron, and magnesium, all of which are important to maintaining health and a good immune system.
Did you know that you can get different health benefits from eating bananas at different stages of ripeness? For example, green bananas are helpful if you’re trying to keep your blood sugar in check. Since they are low on the glycemic index, these green bananas make for a great snack for those who must pay close attention to their body’s sugar levels. Young and green bananas also lead to a longer period of satiety.
Next on the list is the firm, yellow banana without any spots. This is the classic banana that most people think of when picking out a bunch of bananas at the store. They are a little sweeter than the green banana, and full of good things for your body! For starters, yellow bananas are easy on the stomach, so they are a good choice if you’re having trouble keeping food down. Plus, when a banana is fully yellow, the antioxidants contained within are able to protect our bodies from various diseases.