The Elderly woman inquired as to why? The Teller promptly returned the bank card and stated, “Here are the rules, leave when there is no more business. Theres a lot of customers Behind you.”

After a brief period of silence, The Elderly woman returned her card to the cashier and pleaded, “Please help me withdraw all the money I have.” When she checked the balance of the account, the teller was surprised. She gave her a respectful nod, leaned down, and said, “You have $300,000 in your account, but the bank doesn’t have that much cash at the moment.” Could you please schedule a time to return tomorrow?

The Elderly woman ask how much she could immediately withdraw. She was told anything up to $3,000 by the teller. “Give me $3,000 right now.” With a warm smile on her face, the teller graciously gave her $3,000.


The Elderly woman put $10 in her purse and asked the teller to put $2,990 back into her account.

The story has a lesson to teach:
Don’t judge the Elderly; they’ve been learning this skill for their entire lives!❤️

Credits for an unidentified Twitter.

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